Why Choose Entry-Master® Software?

Stable, virus-proof and hacker-resistant

Entry-Master software utilizes a secure filtering environment in its Web server, which is impervious to viruses because of its internal design. It is resistant to hackers because of enhanced security measures built into the filter and the proprietary nature of the filter itself - factors that are significant when analyzing network and system security. In addition, Entry-Master software is very stable; systems failure rates are infinitesimal, when compared to typical Windows® based platforms.

Interactive Facility Mapping

Entry-Master software has a powerful interface allowing a system user to access a facility map from a PC or even a smartphone to control access points (secured doors/windows) and watch surveillance cameras.

Long history (over 20 years) with large, very prestigious organizations

Entry-Master software has a very impressive history in some of the most prestigious locations on the East Coast, from Miami/Ft. Lauderdale to New York City, and as far West as Indianapolis. Most of these systems have been in place for more than 15 years, and have grown and evolved as technology has progressed.

System was designed for medium to large sized systems

(Three [3] or more simultaneous users; 60+ card readers, 5000+ cardholders)

Entry-Master software was initially designed for larger systems, where volume of card use traffic was high, and instant response times were critical.  In recent years the system has been scaled to allow more affordable installation in smaller sites. Unlike most systems, once a small Entry-Master system is installed, it is easily scaled upwards to a larger platform, without losing any of the functionality, speed or reliability that has been the hallmark of the Entry-Master System success story.

As the system grows, it remains easy to program and configure

(most other systems become more cumbersome as additional readers are added) Most other card access systems are relatively simple to program and operate, until the number of readers reaches 8 to 10, or beyond.  Once that barrier has been reached, many of the of the other "starter systems" become sluggish in their operation and much more cumbersome to program, such as assigning cards to specific readers at specific times of operation. The Entry-Master System design allows a 300-reader system to be as easy to program as a 3-reader system.

Card Access Control Security Systems Baltimore MD
See a larger version

Watch the video to see how quickly and easily you can review recorded video using the facility map in System V.

System becomes more cost-effective as the system grows

(no hardware/software modules become "obsolete")

Many "starter systems," defined as a system, which at a very low cost provides a 1 to 2 reader card access system, with absolutely no frills (i.e. 1 to 2 reports, very limited) become increasingly more expensive as more readers and/or cardholders are added. This is because most of these "starter systems" have taken drastic short cuts to make their system as cheap as possible. As a result, many of these components must be "refurbished," "upgraded" or simply thrown out when adding additional capabilities to the system. The Entry-Master System design allows for scalability, so that no component is rendered obsolete.

Entry-Master Systems is located in Baltimore MD and services clients, large and small in the local area including Annapolis, Frederick, Columbia, Towson, Essex, Parkville, Timonium, Woodlawn, Owings Mill as well as Washington DC, Alexandria VA and the surrounding areas. In addition to the immediate service area, Entry-Master secures government and business facilities in Harrisburg PA, Boulder CO, Dallas TX, Richmond VA, Wilmington DE, Philadelphia PA, Atlanta GA, Orlando, Tampa and Miami FL and other locations around the USA.